A Child's Outcry

A Child's Outcry

In my last blog, I shared that God calls us to do things that are inconvenient, uncomfortable and undesirable.  These instances often challenge our normal thinking patterns and enable us to see things from a different perspective.  Serving as a juror changed my entire viewpoint of the judicial system.  I witnessed the personal account of a child’s outcry of molestation and quickly realized the importance, impact and influence that the justice system has on social order.

When the trial ended, I wanted to share my personal experiences that led up to the verdict. However, after careful consideration, I determined that revealing detailed information regarding the trial could cause further hurt to the plaintiff, family members or others involved in the case.  I’ll only say that this case ended with a guilty verdict for the defendant and a recommended sentence of 50 plus years.  Some would say that a fair and just sentence was rendered. However, after seeing the tears in the defendant’s mother’s eyes, I would say that there’s nothing fair about knowing that your son committed a heinous crime. There’s nothing just about the negative impact that the acts of molestation will have on the child’s future.

When a child makes an outcry of molestation, never discount their statement. You have a personal obligation to report the incident so that the necessary steps can be taken to do what’s in the best interest of the child.

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