Faith Hurdle

Faith Hurdle

I consider myself to be a woman of faith. When hardships arise, I believe that God is using the situation for my benefit and I will ultimately prevail. However, if I’m honest with myself, there are times when it’s hard to see the finish line when I’m running the obstacle course. Just when I overcome one hurdle, another one arises. After barely making it over the first hurdle, I have to muster up enough strength to overcome yet another hurdle. Throughout the process, I’m fatigued, frustrated, discouraged, and demotivated. Sometimes, there’s a part of me that simply wants to give up. In my mind I’m saying, “Lord, I don’t have the strength to move forward. Lord, I’m so tired. Lord, please help me”. It’s normally at this moment that a still small voice gently whispers “In all things, I am with you”.

If you keep living, you will experience hardships. Have faith in knowing that God is forever present in all that you go through. God knows your capacity to endure in difficult times and if you seek him, he will equip you with the necessary skills to finish the course.

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