As the New Year begins, approximately 45% of Americans will make resolutions or expressions of intent based on their personal goals and desires. This seems like an awesome idea; however, only 8% of these individuals will be successful in achieving their resolutions. Resolutions are typically set to motivate individuals, but most people aren’t ready to change their bad habits. In addition, people tend to set unrealistic goals hoping for quick gains. Though, most goals require extended time and effort to achieve desired results.
So, how do you ensure that your resolutions are achieved?
•Be prayerful regarding your resolutions to ensure that they are linked to your purpose. Purpose-based goals support daily life style changes that align to God’s plan for your life.
•Set realistic short-term and long-term goals. Incremental success is a great motivator for overall success.
•Identify an accountability partner. No one achieves success on their own. We need the prayers and encouragement of others to get us back on track when circumstances and disappointments cause us to derail.
Resolutions are a great way to inspire and motivate us to achieve our goals, but it’s important to ensure that our resolutions align to what God created us to do.
Statistics referenced from “New Year’s Resolutions Statistics”, Source: University of Scranton. Journal of Clinical Psychology, December 13, 2013